Ever since Aishwarya Rai had been flaunting designer range of sarees in “Endhiran” (Robot), Indian women have found a new reason to wear sarees. After the huge box office sucess of Robot its more than a delight to see how a movie has turned out to be the major reason for young and adult women to crave for the same kind of saree worn by ther former Miss World.
Aishwarya Rai |
The “Endhiran” sarees have found its way through an array of fabrics that ranges from plain weave to sheer silk alongwith georgette and other synthetic fibres like polyester.The sudden found frenzy of the Endhiran sarres found its way through a range of crinkled design imprinted upon munthanai which happens to be the top end of the garment that usually surrounds the shoulder of the wearer. As for the other parts of the saree, the area is all covered in embroidery.
The saree merchants of south are happy to have witnessed the frenzy of the customers and trying their very best to mee the excessive demand.When asked about it they told the media that as the festive season enters its last phase, people are gearing up to pick up the best materilas from the market.Hence it shall give them a chance to pull in maximun revenues like no other season of the year